Thursday, August 13, 2009

Week 4

We are back from our roadtrip to South Dakota. It was a really nice "mini" vacation. We spent time in Minneapolis, Pete with a friend of his and I with my sister Sarah and my childhood pals Amy, Christin and Tarrah. We had a great night! It was fun to see them, as always. The three of us drove to SD the following day. My cousin Matt and his family, as well as my parents, were waiting for us and eager to get the party started!

The lake was a bright shade of seafoam green but we managed to find a clear spot in the middle of the lake to swim and cool off. It was great to see everyone and spend some quality time with my family.

I tried to keep up on my exercises and tried not to indulge too much with all of the typical summer sweets, snacks and cocktails that were tempting me at all hours. I did pilates one day (a modified version) with Matt's beautiful twin girls, spent an hour kayaking around the bay with Pete,went for a 10 mile bike ride and tried to walk around as much as possible.

I am still in the same condition I was in when I left. My left leg is numb from my butt cheek to my pinky toe. I spoke with Tari, a department assistant and Jin Shin Jytsu expert and she recommended an energy sequence that I can do myself. I'll try it. It is all very interesting stuff. I'll try anything and everything to get myself back in shape. I'm working on losing 5lbs. My Chiro recommended this, even though I am not overweight, I could stand to shave off a few pounds. I'm at 144 now and will try to get to 137 or 138. This will be my lowest weight since I was a kid! Dr. Donohue told me that any excess weight is just weight on my spine and 5lbs would make a big difference.

Pete and I went to the gym last night and had a good workout. I worked out my arms and rode the stationary bike at level 3-4, which felt as tough as it does at my normal pace, which is level 6-7. This tells me something about how weak my leg has become.

Walking is the biggest issue. I am riding my bike to the train station from home but still have to walk the measly 5 blocks to work, which seems like such a chore!

When I was home, I spoke with Dr. Reynen and he gave me a perscription for gabipentin (sp), which is a neurological type drug that is supposed to help with the aching and pain at night. So far, it's knocked me out since I've upped the dose from 1 to 2 pills. I've slept great but am a bit groggy in the morning. I will try 1 1/2 tonight. This drug has a side effect of weight gain. I don't want to take it if it is going to slow or reverse my efforts. We'll see how it goes in the coming week.

I am searching for a new primary care physician so that I can get a referrel to an orthopedic doctor. My boss, who has been a gem through all of this, is encouraging me in this direction.

Thursday, August 6, 2009


Pete and I are driving west today through Illinois and Wisconsin to Minneapolis. It's been awhile since we've had access to a car and we are looking forward to the freedom of the road. 7 hours to Minneapolis, where we will meet sister Sarah and spend time with friends. Tomorrow we will end up at Big Stone Lake for what I hope is a relaxing weekend. My back is feeling fine. I still have a bit of numbness in my foot but it could be worse. I've been biking and doing the exercises and stretches and they seem to be making a difference. Progress is good.

Monday, August 3, 2009

Hobbling through the weekend

Monday morning. Considering the lack of feeling in my left leg, I managed to have a really fun weekend in Chicago. Friday was dinner with Max, Kevin and cousin Katie. I made red curry, which turned out to be a delicous new favorite. I also made ruhbarb dream dessert, which I ended up throwing away so I wouldn't eat the whole thing! Talk about a weakness! I learned how to play yukor and we stayed up until the wee hours of the morning to send Max off on his way back to Canada at 4am. We loved having him as our roommate and will miss him.

Another visit to the Chiropractor on Saturday morning. He read my MRI report and informed me that that the size of my herniated disc is pretty large and that I will probably have back issues for the rest of my life. Quite a grim realization. However, one good thing came out of all of this...he said jogging was out of the picture. This was music to my ears. I was given a couple new exercises to do everyday to help ease the bulge away from the nerve, which is what is causing the numbness in my leg. Despite the bad news, I am feeling pretty positive. I am able to ride my bike around, which is great because I don't have a car and walking takes so long and really stresses me out. I went to the gym, swam a few laps and sat in the hot tub. I think swimming might be my new favorite exercise.

Elizabeth came from Milwaukee on Saturday night and we went to a few bars around the city. We hitched a ride on a bar hopping trolley and ended up downtown at Hub 51 for a bachelorette party. Sunday we went for brunch at the Bread Cafe and spent a few hours at the beach. It was a beautiful day in Chicago.

Thursday, July 30, 2009

Introducing the getting serious about exercise blog

I injured my back a couple weeks ago playing sand volleyball, which I've been dying to do for the past few years. I had a blast, but the result was a sore back. A week later, as I was eating my healthy wheat puffs, I suddenly choked, coughed, and that was that. I damaged a disc to the point of rupture...ouch! A week later, I am still limping around with a numb leg and foot as a result of a nerve being pinched by the slipped disc. This is all happening as I approach the ripe age of 30. In a few months I will no longer be in my 20's. It's been a great 10 years and, as I have now realized, my life is about to change. It's up to me to decide if I'm going to be one of those people who get grumpy and skeptical as I age, gaining a pound or more each year, or, if I will take the bull by the horns and use this ruptured disc and numb leg experience as a wake up call. I really want to play beach volleyball again before the end of the summer. In order to do this, I need to get on the yoga and pilates wagon and strengthen my cor. I want to be in top shape by the time 30 roles around and I don't want to be woozy from vicodin when the time comes! So, here we go...starting today. This is officially a blog about my personal health, fitness routines, aches and pains and everything else that comes with the end of the 20's.

Monday, March 2, 2009

Paul Harvey

Paul Harvey Remembered
NBC Chicago's Phil Rogers shares his perspective of what Paul Harvey meant to this city and this country.

a night about town

Alison's bachelorette party was a success. We had a great time together. I love seeing the Milbank oldest and dearest friends. I wish we were all in the same city! The mustaches were a hilarious addition to the evening attire. We joked about how much we all look like our dads! Great time. I just wish I could go to the wedding in Cabo!

Thursday, February 26, 2009

Mountain Pine Beetle

Pete and I had a great weekend in Colorado. We spent time with all of my Denver cousins and their little ones and Pete's cousin, Danilo. I only managed to snowboard one day b/c I was such a wimp but had fun tubing instead on the second day! It was great to be in the Mountains again and to get out of the dirty city for a few days. While driving through the mountains, I was made aware of the reddish color of the pine trees. I guess there is an epidemic of mountain pine beetles that are killing thousands of trees. Here is a little more about it: